This banner is 2023 Art Taipei banner; 這是2023台北藝術博覽會的官方banner
2024 Art Taipei Exhibition | 2024 台北藝術博覽會
10/24/2024 Thu.- 10/28/2024 Mon.

2024 Art Taipei Exhibition  | 2023 台北藝術博覽會

This is 'TheOdetoSpring Group Exhibition' banner; 這是《春盤賦》聯展的banner
TheOdetoSpring Group Exhibition⼁ 《春盤賦》聯展
03/02/2024 Sat.- 03/23/2024 Sat.  | 2024.03.02(六)-03.23(六)
Ever Harvest Art Gallery (No.115, Sec. 4, Ren-ai Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan.) | 
日升月鴻畫廊 (台北市大安區仁愛路四段 115 號 1 樓)

All about the exhibition "TheOdetoSpring" information and behind the scenes, check out here.

This banner is 2023 Art Taipei banner; 這是2023台北藝術博覽會的官方banner
2023 Art Taipei Exhibition | 2023 台北藝術博覽會
10/19/2023 Thu.- 10/23/2023 Mon.

2023 Art Taipei Exhibition  | 2023 台北藝術博覽會

This is 'Between Reality and Fiction Group Exhibition' banner; 這是「虛實之際─台灣寫實繪畫中的抽象思維」聯展的banner
Between Reality and Fiction Group Exhibition⼁ 「虛實之際─台灣寫實繪畫中的抽象思維」聯展
09/08/2023 Fir.- 10/08/2023 Sun.  | 2023.09.08(五)-10.08(日)
Tainan Art Museum Building 1, Gallery A  |  臺南美術館1館 展覽室A
Curator: Chiung-Ruei Shiau  |  策展人:蕭瓊瑞

All about the exhibition "Between Reality and Fiction" information and behind the scenes, check out here.

This is 'Encounters with Light Exhibition' behind the scenes banner; 這是藝術家林浩白迎光個展花絮banner
Behind the scenes - Encounters with Light - Lin Hao-Bai Solo Exhibition
「迎 光」- 林浩白 個展|花絮
06/24/2023 Sat.- 08/06/2023 Sun.

After the Lin Hao-Bai Solo - Exhibition Encounters with Light still have more behind the scenes, check out here.


This is 'Encounters with Light Exhibition' banner; 這是藝術家林浩白迎光個展banner
Encounters with Light - Lin Hao-Bai Solo Exhibition
「迎 光」- 林浩白 個展
06/24/2023 Sat.- 08/06/2023 Sun.

Lin Hao-Bai’s subject matter has evolved from still life to urban landscape, with variations of light as the focus of his recent work: the break of dawn, the scorching noon sun, twilight at dusk, or lights of the night all appear in his paintings.
